I started my journey to better mental health about two years ago now, after going through two robberies at a previous job. I wasn’t expecting to dive any deeper after one session but ended up working with my therapist and getting to the root of some of my triggers. It was there I realized how my eating disorder developed, and that I used it as a copy mechanism when my life felt out of control. Since then, I have been working to change my habits and dig deeper as to why I feel a certain way instead of giving in to those triggers.
I think it’s important to remember that your mental illness doesn’t define you. The same way having a broken bone doesn’t. It’s okay to have off days and to not be ok. It’s important to remember to ask for help, and to confide in someone. Not everyone can afford the luxury of therapy, but everyone has someone who cares (even when your brain tells you otherwise).
Identifying my triggers was the best thing I did to get my life back. From there I started to journal, and get my emotions out. I also told a few close people in my life, so they could hold me accountable. I told them what signs to look for, so and asked them to call me out. At one point I had a friend calling me every night at dinner to make sure I was on track.
Thank you again for doing this with me, I’m so honored to be apart of this movement!
Author: Maddie
Instagram: @maddieannekelly